Create new database on your hosting and run angularjs2shoppingcart.sql file. Create database user and assign dbo rights to the user.
  1. Unzip file in Back End folder and upload to your hosting.
  2. Open database.php file in angularjs2shoppingcart\application\config foler and change values of hostname, database, username and password as below:
    • hostname: your server name
    • database: your database name
    • username: your username
    • password: your password
  3. Open config.php file in application\config foler and change value of base_url as below:
    • $config['base_url']: your domain name
  4. Run website and login with default account:
    • Admin Panel (Admin access)
      Username: admin
      Password: 123
      Remember that you can change default admin URL in order to secure admin UI entry point.
  5. Change setting values from admin
    • General

  1. Download and install latest Nodejs from
  2. Unzip file in Front End folder. Change setting values in app\services\rest.service.ts file as below:
    • BASE_URL: url access restful web services from server
    • keyValue: value from general setting in admin panel